Quick Tip: Windows 64bit MIDI virtualization solution

Eh, long time no post :D ...ok, so, Reason 6 is almost around the corner (erm... still 33 days to go...) right? With it, we'll be able to finally go beyond the 3Gb RAM limit of 32bit apps by running the 64bit version of it! What will happen to those that were able to install the 32bit Midi Yoke + MIDI-OX version on Windows 7 64bit OS ? Well, those relying on such solution will get an unpleasant (though expected) surprise: the ports made available by the 32bit MIDI virtualization (aka loopback) driver won't be visible to the 64bit version of Reason. Solution ? Install a proper 64bit version of such MIDI virtualization driver... problem is, there's no 64bit version of Midi Yoke :P So... maybe now's the perfect time to change this, so when Reason 6 comes into your 64bit Windows, you can start using it right away, because this issue is already correctly dealt with :) I've been following the work of Tobias Erichson , namely because of the MIDI ov...