
Showing posts from 2011

The Bernard Childcare Trust ReFill

Last August, Rob ( PhiSequence ) asked me if I was willing to join this collaboration project that Ben ( 3rdFloorSound ) started, where all proceeds would go towards the Bernard Childcare Trust . It was going to be a tough call for me, but I just had to fit this one in, between all the other projects I was involved at the time, so I could only say yes, of course :) As Kurt ( Peff ) explains on his blog post , this is one way that our community can show their support through the established trust account for James and Nicole’s four children. So, to give back something to those that are willing to help and show their support to JB's family, a bunch of Sound Designers started working on this new ReFill project. The Bernard Childcare Trust ReFill It includes instrument and effect patches, REX loops and samples from 3rdFloorSound , DrDist/odarmonix , EditEd4TV , PhiSequence , RobbNeu and me . More were willing to help but due to their own time constraints wer...

How much is Reason 6 worth to me, R+R Duo user?

Image uh?! w00t!??!? but, but, but... ?!?! That was basically my first 3 seconds of reaction as soon as I bumped into that announcement today. Being a Record Reason Duo user always made me look at Reason 6 upgrade with less enthusiasm than Record 1.0 or 1.5 only users or Reason 1 through Reason 5 only users, because most of the giant upgrading jump was going to happen to them and not to R+R users. Ok, so... there's The Echo , Alligator and Pulveriser which it may be just a nice or a huge upgrade, depending on how much you're an effect devices geek and how much you depend on effects in your music style. On top of that, there's the monster expansion done to Reason's Factory Sound Bank , which is also a huge upgrade to those that rely or know how to take advantage of the preset patches either as-is or as starting points to customize, tweak and make them their own patches. The FSB is also a natural ground to learn ...

Quick Tip: Windows 64bit MIDI virtualization solution

Eh, long time no post :D ...ok, so, Reason 6 is almost around the corner (erm... still 33 days to go...) right? With it, we'll be able to finally go beyond the 3Gb RAM limit of 32bit apps by running the 64bit version of it! What will happen to those that were able to install the 32bit Midi Yoke + MIDI-OX version on Windows 7 64bit OS ? Well, those relying on such solution will get an unpleasant (though expected) surprise: the ports made available by the 32bit MIDI virtualization (aka loopback) driver won't be visible to the 64bit version of Reason. Solution ? Install a proper 64bit version of such MIDI virtualization driver... problem is, there's no 64bit version of Midi Yoke :P So... maybe now's the perfect time to change this, so when Reason 6 comes into your 64bit Windows, you can start using it right away, because this issue is already correctly dealt with :) I've been following the work of Tobias Erichson , namely because of the MIDI ov...

Quick Tip: Easy non-destructive Stereo-to-Mono

Sometimes, you're working with a stereo audio track and you may need some quick access to one of the L/R channels of an audio track or clip... ...turning it into a true mono source, even showing up in Record's Main Mixer as a mono track. The slower (and destructive) way is to bounce it to disk, turn it into mono with a wave editor, save and re-import the now mono track or clip back into an audio track. There's plenty of ways to do this without any of that trouble, so I'll show one of the simplest, cleanest and quickest way I usually use to quickly choose one of the channels within the Audio Track Device without the need for any extra Track Devices. Simply open the device and at the back and in the Insert FX section, connect the channel you want into the Left channel of the "From Device" inputs and that's it. The audio clip's still a stereo one, but the audio signal path up to the Main Mixer is now a true mono track. To...