PH Forums go "byebye" next week...

The Propellerhead Forums are not being brought along to the new website, which means this place is going to close next week.» Forums

I guess this blog might start getting more posts now :)

Why? Well, I don't get along with Facebook (and it doesn't get me either) so this blog is now basically my default place to publicly comment on what's going on in the world of Reason.

Along with that, the time I usually spend browsing forum threads for any issues that catch my eye to jump in and try to help will now be spent here.

My tendency to comment and provide feedback about Reason in PH own forums was, I see now, a natural act of keeping it in context, within a place where almost all cared about that specific subject, apart from my quick snippets of text on Twitter, trying to express my more immediate opinions on things as they happened (which I'll keep doing, because Twitter is natural to me, unlike Facebook).

btw, just noticed how I went 1 full year without posting here... hmmm... :)

PS: Be prepared to find a lot of dead-links around here since there are many pointing to PH Forum threads and posts. I fell into the dumb assumption that all that info would be "indefinitely" secure and available, at least as long as the had a presence on the web. How naïve of me.


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