Reason 9: "All" Remoteables list

Now, the only thing better than this would be for Propellerhead Software to keep this list updated, each time a change or new RE is published to the Shop :)

...that or allow the users to extract themselves this information through Reason, at least from the installed REs.

Source: List of remotables added to Downloads page


  1. Hi,

    the link doesn't work. Could you update it?


  2. Hi,

    That was the original link provided by PH.
    I guess it was deactivated due to Reason 9.5 onward now has exactly the option I mention in the post:
    "allow the users to extract themselves this information through Reason, at least from the installed REs"

    Starting from Reason 9.5, we can export all Remote information of any rack device (and VSTs).

    You can find that option in the File menu :)


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