Reason 13 is out! ...but...

Reason v.13.0 is out.

Is this the best Reason version ever ?
hmmm... kinda yes but also not :(

The new Devices are interesting and/or useful.

The Sequencer improvements are great though with some quirks and harsh corners needing some smoothing out.

The Rack can finally utilize 100% of its window width, thanks to the removal of the screen space-wasting vertical bar when the browser (now Device Palette) is collapsed (now hidden).

The Browser (and Device Palette... yes, now there's 2 different "things" to deal with) now support Categories & Tags, which is always a good thing to have.

The new Browser allows now (something we lost a few versions back) for patch previewing while scrolling down the browser patch list with the arrow keys.
Recent versions only allowed this through MIDI Controller (i.e. 
Remote Mapped) patch navigation.

But speaking of the new Browser & Device Palette, here's what's making this the worse Reason update (for me):

We lost Device Favorites.
It was the best, quickest and simplest way to visually access the most used/liked Devices.
 1 click on the Favorite folder, 1 drag'n'drop of the device.
Now I keep going back'n'forth between the MIDI controller, the mouse and the QWERTY keyboard to search for the devices as the only way to narrow down my list and avoid massive scrolling through the list.

The Device Palette has a fixed width now, like the RRP had (and still has)

The new Browser is now a window-constrained floating-window, the worse kind of floating window there is, because it's always in the way, on top of something we want to see/use while it's open.

We lost the media (samples) metadata information while browsing it.

and, on top of these tragic losses/changes, there's still no

PolyAT/MPE support

MIDI Channel+MIDI CC into VSTs


free MIDI routing within the Rack (like Audio or CV)



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