
Showing posts from September, 2009

Quick Tip: CV2Audio2CV

I guess it's common knowledge that Thor is much more than a very powerful synth :) Besides being a very powerful versatile multi-filter+effects device, it's also a very capable CV machine, capable of very cool and useful CV processing and generation. I have many basic patches at hand that I use as basic building blocks to build more complex combinators. Some I've already mentioned here, but many others I keep to myself because there are already equivalent devices made by others before me, or some are so basic (although useful) that I think it would be kind of weird to mention them here. Recent events lead me to change this idea a bit. I'm beginning to realize that what some may consider as basic knowledge, it may be news to others, so why not make some quick posts about it ? So, this post will quickly show a very useful use of Thor's modulation matrix and input'n'outputs at the back. This little patch deals with CV to Audio and Audio to CV: (click to zoom) S...


Been working on ReGRAINZeR this week :) After playing a lot with V.0.6.2 to see if there were no concept bugs, and that there wasn't anything else worth of adding without needlessly bloating it, I took some time to take it to V.0.7, the one that implements external CV control of other KFX Machines, acting as "slaves", to substitute the included internal slim effects. ReGRAINZeR V.0.8 was born as soon as I decided it was time to build everything from scratch. This was also the time to tighten the implementation, leaving all the extra devices used in the beta phase to ease any new feature I decided to add. So now, V.0.8 has 7 less reMix devices and 1 less Spider CV device :) I could get rid of 6 more Spider CV's, if only the Splitter section had 1 extra inverted CV out in each pair :( ...oh well. The two internal (with Button 3's "External Control" turned off) effects: Mute (with C#) and Gate (with D#), have now some little new features. C# has now a Rat...

M-Audio Axiom's problem (kinda) solved! =)

I found a workaround to my M-Audio Axiom 61's problem ! :D This problem came to light only while beta testing Record 1.0 . I realized that my Axiom was randomly firing an Expression MIDI message ( CC 11 ), during a Channel Aftertouch MIDI stream. This was causing some weird behaviors on some of Record's ID8 presets. So, if I played ID8's Electric Piano Mark II (an Expression-aware preset), after pressing the keys a few times (sending the Channel Aftertouch data), the preset volume spiked up unexpectedly! And this happened every time with some other Expression-aware presets. After checking with other fellow beta testers that this wasn't an ID8 preset bug, I had to (unexpectedly) turn my attention to my controller, the Axiom. Using MIDI-OX 's MIDI dump, there it was, that darned unwanted, uninvited Expression hiccup :( Well, now I finally had some time to try something: Set Axiom's Zone 1 (only, so I could still use the other Zones if needed) Expression CC to OFF....

WANTED: Spare Time!

My (quite small) spare time, these past weeks, have been "wasted" playing with Record 1.0 =) Every little chance I got, I spent it playing with Record, while giving a good test run on my custom Remote codec for the M-Audio Axiom 61. I've implemented the "Shift" function I've talked about earlier, and added a triple way to use Program Change, Bank LSB and Bank MSB. Each of these, trigger 3 types of events simultaneously: an Absolute value, a Delta simulation value and an Increment/Decrement button pair simulation. So, this is a snippet of the added features I'm using now: Select Patch for Target Device (Delta) = Program Change (Delta) Target Track (Delta) = Bank LSB (Delta) Remote Base Channel = Bank MSB ID8's Select Previous Preset = Program Change Down ID8's Select Next Preset = Program Change Up LOOP On/Off = Shift+PLAY Click On/Off = Shift+STOP Precount On/Off = Shift+RECORD Tempo BPM = Knob 8 Click Level = Shift+Knob 8 Select Previous Keyboa...