Koshdukai's Slim 'PX7 200K Collection' V1b8

Beta 8 squashes all the various bank folder levels into just 1 level per folder mainly on "7 from the Web" and on most on the "8 Instruments", which I'll be working on a bit more before the final release  of V1.0 of this ReFill.
Koshdukai's Slim 'PX7 200K Collection' V1

I'm a bit worried with "Tim Garrett's TX7" folder though, which is now all flattened as a 7789 patches big folder. It's quite noticeable how Reason's browser takes its time to digest that folder before opening it, even packed inside a ReFill, which is kinda weird and not what I expected out of Reason 8.1's new browser... oh well :/

Still not sure if it's better now, without all of those bank folders with just a couple of patch files in there... guess I'll need feedback on this or else I'll keep doing how I think it's best :)

Beta 7 zip download access will be removed soon, btw.

2022/06/19: After years of providing this ReFill for free and getting some Donations (Thank you! You all know who you are!!!), I've decided to try adding this to an "e-shop" platform to see how that goes, as a pay-what-you-want product.


  1. http://goo.gl/cZI5oQ – this goo.gl shortlink has been disabled. It was found to be violating our Terms of Service. Click here and here for more information about our terms and policies respectively.

    Any chance to get a new link??

    1. oh! Apparently I can't use google's shortening to link to zip's, oh well. Thanks for warning me. The link should be ok now! :)

  2. Working now...Thanks for fixing it! :-)

  3. No problem, sorry for the temporary inconvenience :)

  4. Thanks for your work. Now I can search patches significantly faster.

  5. Hello! I keep trying to download this - invariably it gets to 9x% complete and then fails. I've tried on two computers and my phone. It could be to do with my internet connection, but could somebody be an absolute legend and send it to me by a different cloudy means, or a torrent? Thanks to Kosh for putting the work in to make this!
    - Ed

    1. Hey Ed, sorry to hear you're having issues downloading it.
      I'm not at home ATM (on the phone) but I'll try to come up with an alternative ASAP

    2. Aha! Dropbox!
      I'll give that a try now. Thanks Kosh!
      - Ed

  6. Would this work with Reason5 ? cause i couldnt find nothing in the maps.
    Im a noob by the way.

  7. This is a Refill with patches for the PX7.
    The PX7 is a Rack Extension, not included in Reason.

    You can check all about it at:

    The best way to check if your Reason version supports a Rack Extensions you want to try is to go to its page and see if you're allowed to click the "Download trial".

  8. I'm curious about the progress of this project ;)

    1. It progressed as much as it was possible ;)

      If the SysEx-to-PX7 converter gets an update to deal with some of the preset name issues, I may find the time to dig this project out of my dusty arquives and give it another go :)


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