Quick Tip: CV Scope & CV Sampling/Recording
Record users may already know this trick for quite some time :) You can record CV data to an audio track through the use of a CV to Audio converter (like the CV2Audio2CV ) to then examine the CV waveform. This is useful when we need to debug or check the CV values being generated by a device. The only problem with this, is that if we're on a long tweaking session, the CV recording (i.e. CV "log") may get pretty big unnecessarily. One solution is to go on a sequence of short recordings, while deleting the resulting Audio Track clips in between those sessions. But now there's Reason 5 and it's new Sampling capabilities that we can use also for CV monitoring. So, now, instead of recording to a track, we can just Sample the CV, again through the use of a CV to Audio conversion (wiring the audio output of Thor to the Sampling input at the back of the rack, making it the sampling source). This allows us to keep an eye on the thumbnail Sampling scope window, while doin...