Koshdukai's KFX Machines: ReGRAINZeR V.0.2beta

Finished uploading the 2nd video showing ReGRAINZeR V.0.2beta (still named ReLOOPeR in the video).

Still no word from Turbotito :( ... it would help if I had his email contact instead of relying on PropSW Forum's and YouTube's PrvMsgs :/

I'm tempted to just release the videos and simply obey to any take down notice I might receive afterwards, although that's so not the way I like to do things -.-'

...but, it's a demo song included with every Reason 4 sold, so I guess it would be ok to use it as an example to demo a Reason device, wouldn't it ?

Anyway, while waiting, I made some changes to what the F1# to A1# black keys do. Now they have 2 modes as a group: 1/8T loop mode or free wild'n'weird glitch-like mode, since most of the action they did is now made with A1 and B1 white keys.

This also freed Combinator's Button 4, maybe I'll use it now to turn off the option of Aftertouch gate effect triggering.

So, now, the current version is ReGRAINZeR V.0.4beta


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