
Showing posts from 2009

Random access to a CV values list

Just added this little CV tool in the free download section (on the right): "K's Basics - Random access to a CV values list" It's basically a way to access through CV indexing, a list of 3x32 "cells" of CV values (well, one of the list is within the Note range of CV values, but this example is enough to demo the concept). So, if you're ever in need of generating a specific sequence of CV values controlled by another CV source, this is one way to do it :) It's like having random or sequential access (in whatever direction you want) to a specific custom list of CV or note values, by using a CV controlled "cursor" (just connect the CV "cursor" source to the Rotary 1 CV input and tweak the Combinator modulation programmer Min/Max values to your needs). This device was enough for something I was testing, but I'm sure it can be optimized with some thought and more time. It won't work well in a real-time fast switching situation,...

Quick Tip: 7x OSCs Thor

As I previously mentioned , Thor can have more than the standard known 3 simultaneous OSCs. Here's an example of a 7xOSC Thor: 6 polyphonic OSCs + 1 monophonic OSC (For demonstration purposes, I enclosed this example in a Combinator, allowing easy access to some of the available parameters to tweak. This is completely usable as a standalone Thor patch, and basically that's the advantage of extending the available OSCs) (click to zoom) Low Frequency Oscillator One of Thor's components that can be used as an OSC is the LFO. If you look closely at the available LFO rates, you'll see that the rate can be pushed to audible frequencies (so it's not as "Low Frequency" as one would expect, uh? ;). LFO1 is easy to sync to the keyboard input, making it possible to control its frequency in the usual musical scale. To do the same with LFO2, you'll need to make some modulation routing. The Pitch-Wheel can also be added to the mix, to control both LFO's like a n...

Quick Tip: NN-XT controllable Sample Start

Usually, whenever we need to do some real-time messing with the Sample Start, we usually discard the NN-XT (because there's no way to automate it's sample-based Start/End, and Loop Start/End settings) ... ...and think immediately of the NN-19 because it has, right there, on the upper right corner, a little knob to easily tweak the Sample Start, controllable through Combinator's modulation routing matrix... ...but, there's a way to do the same thing with the NN-XT, indirectly :P There's a NN-XT setting that can be used to do exactly the same thing and be as controllable but through CV and affect all the loaded samples at the same time. :) Turning the NN-XT's Velocity S.Start all the way to the right will mimic the NN-19 Sample Start behavior, controllable by the CV values sent to the Gate CV input at the back of the NN-XT. Now, imagine using Thor's Sequencer Note and Gate/Velocity CV outputs to control the NN-XT (or a NN-19 inside a combinator) taking advanta...

Quick Challenge: Thor has 6 polyphonic OSC's (and more...)

You know that Thor can have up to 8 independent built-in OSC's, 6 of them being polyphonic, don't you? A future Quick Tip will show you how to turn LFO1, Filter1 and Filter2 into perfectly playable sound producing polyphonic oscillators, and LFO2 and Filter3 as monophonic oscillators :P It's even possible to a certain degree to use Thor's Sequencer as a "user-definable" wave-shape monophonic OSC, but... I haven't sorted out some quirks with it, so... forget I mentioned this one ;) (at least for now!)

Quick Demo: CV Graph, CV Display, CV Scope, ...

Sorry, but I only have time to show what's possible to do with some of the available rack devices, to show the CV values, like I mentioned in my previous post. It also shows one possible version of the CV Scope, using the CV Delay and CV2Audio2CV :) As soon as I have the time, I'll explain in detail how to achieve each of those unusual device uses. It's quite simple, as many will quickly figure out. Some of you may already use something similar to do your CV debugging, like I do.

Quick Tip: CV Delay

A "CV Delay" is quite easy to do once you have a way to convert CV to Audio and Audio to CV (you can use the CV2Audio2CV for that). A simple way to achieve this with up to 4 independent CV signals, is to use Thor's Audio outputs connected to 4 DDL-1's and back again through Thor's Audio inputs: (click to zoom) So, to test all 4 CV delayed signals, I'll use BV512's CV inputs to graphically show what's going on: (click to zoom) Now, let's check the front and see if the CV Delay is working... (click to zoom) ...and there you have it, a working 4x CV Delay:) Next post I'll talk about some of the devices and the way I usually use them for CV display (more like CV debugging, really). I'll talk about the use of the DDL-1, MClass Equalizer, RV7000, BV512, Thor and PEQ-2 as possible CV debugging tools. After that, the obvious way to do a rudimentary CV Scope using a stack of 4 CV Delay units :) you can guess from the above pictures, it's ...

Quick Tip: CV2Audio2CV

I guess it's common knowledge that Thor is much more than a very powerful synth :) Besides being a very powerful versatile multi-filter+effects device, it's also a very capable CV machine, capable of very cool and useful CV processing and generation. I have many basic patches at hand that I use as basic building blocks to build more complex combinators. Some I've already mentioned here, but many others I keep to myself because there are already equivalent devices made by others before me, or some are so basic (although useful) that I think it would be kind of weird to mention them here. Recent events lead me to change this idea a bit. I'm beginning to realize that what some may consider as basic knowledge, it may be news to others, so why not make some quick posts about it ? So, this post will quickly show a very useful use of Thor's modulation matrix and input'n'outputs at the back. This little patch deals with CV to Audio and Audio to CV: (click to zoom) S...


Been working on ReGRAINZeR this week :) After playing a lot with V.0.6.2 to see if there were no concept bugs, and that there wasn't anything else worth of adding without needlessly bloating it, I took some time to take it to V.0.7, the one that implements external CV control of other KFX Machines, acting as "slaves", to substitute the included internal slim effects. ReGRAINZeR V.0.8 was born as soon as I decided it was time to build everything from scratch. This was also the time to tighten the implementation, leaving all the extra devices used in the beta phase to ease any new feature I decided to add. So now, V.0.8 has 7 less reMix devices and 1 less Spider CV device :) I could get rid of 6 more Spider CV's, if only the Splitter section had 1 extra inverted CV out in each pair :( ...oh well. The two internal (with Button 3's "External Control" turned off) effects: Mute (with C#) and Gate (with D#), have now some little new features. C# has now a Rat...

M-Audio Axiom's problem (kinda) solved! =)

I found a workaround to my M-Audio Axiom 61's problem ! :D This problem came to light only while beta testing Record 1.0 . I realized that my Axiom was randomly firing an Expression MIDI message ( CC 11 ), during a Channel Aftertouch MIDI stream. This was causing some weird behaviors on some of Record's ID8 presets. So, if I played ID8's Electric Piano Mark II (an Expression-aware preset), after pressing the keys a few times (sending the Channel Aftertouch data), the preset volume spiked up unexpectedly! And this happened every time with some other Expression-aware presets. After checking with other fellow beta testers that this wasn't an ID8 preset bug, I had to (unexpectedly) turn my attention to my controller, the Axiom. Using MIDI-OX 's MIDI dump, there it was, that darned unwanted, uninvited Expression hiccup :( Well, now I finally had some time to try something: Set Axiom's Zone 1 (only, so I could still use the other Zones if needed) Expression CC to OFF....

WANTED: Spare Time!

My (quite small) spare time, these past weeks, have been "wasted" playing with Record 1.0 =) Every little chance I got, I spent it playing with Record, while giving a good test run on my custom Remote codec for the M-Audio Axiom 61. I've implemented the "Shift" function I've talked about earlier, and added a triple way to use Program Change, Bank LSB and Bank MSB. Each of these, trigger 3 types of events simultaneously: an Absolute value, a Delta simulation value and an Increment/Decrement button pair simulation. So, this is a snippet of the added features I'm using now: Select Patch for Target Device (Delta) = Program Change (Delta) Target Track (Delta) = Bank LSB (Delta) Remote Base Channel = Bank MSB ID8's Select Previous Preset = Program Change Down ID8's Select Next Preset = Program Change Up LOOP On/Off = Shift+PLAY Click On/Off = Shift+STOP Precount On/Off = Shift+RECORD Tempo BPM = Knob 8 Click Level = Shift+Knob 8 Select Previous Keyboa...

Record Open Beta!

Record Open Beta is officially on, since yesterday at :) Starting today, previous beta testers are no longer under the NDA, so expect most, if not all, future videos to feature Record instead of Reason, while demo'ing some of the devices that will be part of my microRefill KFX project(s). The Record Open Beta lets you try out a fully working version of Record, using Record's internet authorization. Use the software without limitations as long as you are connected to the internet. This trial period will last until Record's official release on September 9, 2009. So, if you want to try the fully working version of Record 1.0 (RC4) until its release, Sept.9th, this is your chance :) ...head on to the site and join Record open beta to download Record !

Koshdukai's KFX: FiltaPowa V0.4 demo

While watching Jack Conte's "The Electro-Harmonix Riddle" demo video, I thought... " uh.... I can do that with Reason " ...and KFX FiltaPowa was born =) FiltaPowa works great with live input, either through the ASIO4ALL's ReWuschel trick or through Record 1.0 ;) Some specs for KFX FiltaPowa: Filter selection between LP 12, BP 12 and LP 24 Filter amount set by Attack/Decay envelope, Mod.Wheel or Sequencer Curve values Sustain temporarily changed from middle setting by Pitch Wheel Envelope triggering through audio with adjustable Sensitivity (incl. Soft Knee) Optional Sequenced triggering of the Envelope (that's what the Matrix is there for)

Remote "Shift" function

For some days now, and while looking at my Axiom's transport buttons, I've been playing with the idea of using the "LOOP" button as a "Shift" key, to extend the functions of the other transport buttons. I thought of this because I keep turning on (and off, after recording) the little Click and Pre buttons, in Reason's (and now Record's) transport bar. So, if I could implement this idea, the Axiom button currently used to turn on and off the Loop status would be more useful as a mode-extender for the remaining transport buttons, like: LOOP+STOP would turn the Click On/Off LOOP+RECORD would turn the Pre On/off LOOP+PLAY would change the Loop status ...and I'm sure I would find some alternative function to the remaining buttons :) I think I've seen something like this "Shift" mode in one of the factory codecs, so I'll have to check that out while having to look more carefully for this in the Remote SDK documentation. My plan is to ...

Akai MPD24 (Special) Remote codecs - Part I

I'm currently working on a special version of a Remote Codec for the Akai MPD24 (much like the one I did for my M-Audio MidAir 25). The plan is, to take advantage of a mode where each of its 16 Pads sends a 'Program Change' message (from 1 to 16), to jump directly to (well, select) the respective sequencer track within those limits. It's mainly a derivative of the algorithm I've used in the Trust and MidAir codecs, although with some limitations to work properly for the MPD24. This was more or less a forum request (well, maybe more like a "oh, I can do that, really? How? Can you show me?" kinda thing). I've already sent my first test draft to the (fellow forum member) requester to see if it works or not (fingers crossed!), since I don't own an MPD24 (unfortunately!) so only he can test it and give some feedback. As soon as we're happy with the result, I'll add this "Akai MPD24 (Special)" Remote Codec to the free download codecs li...

Propellerhead Record's beta Invites

I have some spare invites to give to my blog readers :) So, to become a Record beta tester you simply have to: be registered at Propellerhead forums (its free, you don't need to be a customer) send a private message to Koshdukai (yours truly here) with the title subject " I need a Beta test invite, please!!! " ;P state why would you like to try Record at this stage also state if you're already a Reason user or not include the email address used to create the forum account (so the invite can be sent to you) and that's it! First correctly written PM's will generate an invite email (while invites last!) If you're the happy recipient of that email, you just need to follow the instructions included there, to enter the beta testing team :) Good luck! :D

Beta testing Record

...and that's basically the "side project" that's been taking all my spare time, since my last post :D ReGRAINZeR works great with it too, btw :) More news... oh, I've been also working on GatoRbox V.0.3, an ASR (Attack, Sustain, Release) controlled gate effect box (Combinator) device that's working great. V.0.2 only worked as standalone through internal variable Rate sequencing patterns, but V.0.3 will work also through external trigger of the sequence or event steps. Rate will also be controllable externally. All this to make it a compatible slave companion effect when controlled by ReGRAINZeR V.0.7 (ReGRAINZeR already includes a miniGatoR by default, not capable of ASR effects) hmmm... ah, made some more GlitchLoopBox variants, 1X and 4X versions, with delta rate variation of the rate set by Rotary through Mod Wheel, with Stereo divergence controlled by the Pitch Wheel (so Left/Right get slight speed rate differences, making a cool stereo effect). Current ...

Working on a side project...

I've had the opportunity to work on a very interesting and exciting project for a couple of months, so my current ReFill project will suffer a bigger delay than I was expecting. Nonetheless, I'll try to release some free stuff 'till the final release of it :) Any comments and suggestions about the ReGRAINZeR demo file are welcome, even if I don't comment back, I read'em all! :)

KFXmachines - ReGRAINZeR V.0.6.2beta DEMO release

I've decided to release a little demo .RPS file with the latest version of ReGRAINZeR and wait a while to see what happens :) About this little demo: It uses 2 demo units. One applied to a drum REX dual loop Combinator, and the other to a guitar REX also dual loop Combinator. Both units are using the C1 to B1 MIDI keyboard octave keys. Key mappings are shown on the help screen, on the right of the device. On that screen, P stands for Pitch Wheel, M for Mod.Wheel and R1 for Rotary 1. Gate effect (stutter) is activated by pressing D1# or through Aftertouch, if that option is turned on. Speed is controlled by the Mod.Wheel. External Control CV Output is not implemented on V.0.6.x After listening to the example performance made with both units, you can (should) mute or delete the performance clips and play a bit with each of the ReGRAINZeR demo units. You could also copy any devices+tracks of a song of yours and paste it within this demo song, and after some rack rewiring at the back, ...
...and more on the way :) I'm releasing some Remote Codec packs for the M-Audio MidAir MIDI Wireless Keyboard series and two other more obscure keyboards I own. So here are the links: Trust (mini) MIDI Keyboard Remote Codec (this one will support the infinite 'Program Change' Value-to-Delta algorithm, because this little keyboard does something quite useful: as soon as 'Program Change' reaches 128 it restarts at 1 again. It also does the reverse of course, when reaching 1, if 'PROG -' is pressed again, it jumps to 128. This allows me to make it truly endless to the "eyes" of Reason, no matter at what value the keyboard is, it will always return a +1 or -1 delta to Reason. This is why I made Patch selection the default control for this one) QuickShot MIDI Composer Remote Codec (just a simple generic codec, with correct name, thumbnail picture and 'Data Entry Fader' set to control every device 'Master Volume') M-...

Remote Codecs released...

...and more on the way :) I'm releasing some Remote Codec packs for the M-Audio MidAir MIDI Wireless Keyboard series and two other more obscure keyboards I own. So here are the links: Trust (mini) MIDI Keyboard Remote Codec (this one will support the infinite 'Program Change' Value-to-Delta algorithm, because this little keyboard does something quite useful: as soon as 'Program Change' reaches 128 it restarts at 1 again. It also does the reverse of course, when reaching 1, if 'PROG -' is pressed again, it jumps to 128. This allows me to make it truly endless to the "eyes" of Reason, no matter at what value the keyboard is, it will always return a +1 or -1 delta to Reason. This is why I made Patch selection the default control for this one) QuickShot MIDI Composer Remote Codec (just a simple generic codec, with correct name, thumbnail picture and 'Data Entry Fader' set to control every device 'Master Volume') M-...

It works!!!

Last night I had a go at trying to make a continuous Value-type control like Program Change be interpreted by Reason as a Delta-type control, so it could be used with Remote's Additional Overrides "Target Track (Delta)", "Select Patch for Target Device (Delta)" and "Select Keyboard Shortcut Variation (Delta)". And it works great :D !!! This is no "Absolute" substitute unfortunately but it gets the job done. As an example, if you have your controller's Program Change set at 35 and go to Reason's menu "Options", "Additional Remote Overrides" and set the "Target Track (Delta)" to "Program Change" (don't forget that this only works with my custom Remote codecs right now), then each increment or decrement on Program Change will translate as a +1 or -1 delta to Reason. So, if you have the 1st track selected and go from 35 to Program Change 34, it'll generate a -1 delta hence doing nothing i...

"we welcome you as a developer of our technologies"

It's so cool to receive emails like these ^^ Anyway, the story behind this is really simple. I own a M-Audio Axiom 61 and a MidAir 25 and two more generic (and much simpler) MIDI keyboards. The default Remote settings of the Axiom has some awkward choices and even bugs (as an example, there's a collision between the reMIX and the Select Track buttons), so I had to make my own custom version of those settings. I also made a version to support my M-Audio MidAir 25 (and the MidAir 37 too, since it looked fairly simple to support, even without owning one to test). ...and just because it's there, I also added the "Program Change" as another possible value-type control to be used. One never has too many controls :D My intention was to make these available for free, to anyone in need of them , but then I thought it would be a good idea to check the Remote SDK first and see if I was missing any cool features unknown to me. So, I applied to be a " Remoteâ„¢ Codec Deve...

Yet another example of live Loop performances

While checking some LIMS'09 videos at SonicState I just bumped into another 3 examples of live loop use (like the LiveLoopBox combinator): and and another one

Live Audio IN with Reason & LiveLoopBox demo

As promised , here's the video explaining how to get live audio input in Reason :D (the unofficial way, of course, because the only official and proper way would be through Record !) WARNING : If you're a ReBirth user, and you still need to use it ReWired to Reason, do not install ReWuschel! (better make this clear) This is really old news, but I still keep bumping into Reason users that don't know this is possible or how easy it is to do. This little trick is really only useful to those that don't own a DAW or those wanting to use Reason effects in a live situation, including the advantage of playing side-by-side with a saved song and an included track with the recorded automation of all the effects tweaking and mix levels automatically applied to the live feed in a live performance. Then, I also take the opportunity in the video to show the LiveLoopBox I talked about in earlier posts :) There are two versions: GlitchLoopBox simply allows to change on the fly the ...

Working on ReGRAINZeR V.0.6beta

Ok, so, after finishing V.0.5beta, solving the little issue with Velocity, I'm now changing some simple things on the control front. Substituting the Rotary 3 & 4 functions "+AUDIO source Level" & "Volume" with a more standard "Gain" & "Dry / Wet" mix knobs. I was also hoping to implement in V.0.6beta a Master/Slave chaining option by leaving a well marked CV output pair at the back (Note+Gate), so one could chain various ReGRAINeRs, spawning various instances through the keyboard map while controlling all the slaves through the Master one (the 1st, the only one in need of a controlling sequencer track for selected input) but there's a problem with RPG-8's MIDI-CV convertion... it's implementation is incomplete, so this makes this idea impossible to implement with Reason 4 at least :( I've even tried using Thor's flexible routing to send captured Gate signals through a CV out, but its still MonoCV so... still n...

FAQ: I've sent you my work-in-progress so we can colaborate!

PLEASE DON'T!!! Please, don't send me any patches or combinators you're working on and you're planning on selling or even releasing them for free in the future. This puts me in an uncomfortable and awkward position of having no chance to refuse it (because you already sent it) and even if I simply delete the attachment without opening it (which I do), I'll never be sure if someone in the future will claim something like "oh, but that combinator you made was my idea! I sent you that combinator and you copied the idea" brrrr... I hate to think of such situation. In this age where it's so easy to illegally copy someone's work and distribute it for free without the author's consent, to me, even worse is idea stealing and releasing something without proper credits to the ones involved. At least, the illegal copies (usually) keep the credits of the rightful authors of the thing (which I hope will be the case with any of my soon-to-be-released ReFills...

Working on ReGRAINZeR V.0.5beta

Still solving an issue I'm not comfortable with. The current version is Velocity sensitive, so to work properly, the user must press the keyboard keys with enough velocity to make sure it sustains the loop properly and also cuts completely the audio source. This will be optional in the final version, because I also found it cool to have it for further expressiveness, controlling the Wet/Dry mix through Velocity. So, Button 4 will switch Keyboard Sensitiveness ("Keyb.Sense") ON, being OFF by default. This setting already disables Aftertouch gate control when OFF (the default), because sometimes that option gets in the way of the performance. I already have a working solution, but it's bulky and will add some unexpected complexity to an already complex device, so I'm still trying to figure out a more elegant way to do it. I woke up with 2 ideas to test. The 1st one looked great on a draft combinator, but failed miserably when applied to the real thing. This fail wa...

Koshdukai's KFX Machines: LiveLoopBox

Just finished another device, useful for live performances, human-beatbox style or live one-man acoustic or acapella performances with on-the-fly minimalistic rhythm and bass lines. (please check the videos below to get the idea) LiveLoopBox has 4 live sampling audio loops of up to 2secs each (adjustable in steps synced to Reason tempo). You can stack a bunch of'em to get more loop slots for the same audio source by splitting it through some Audio Spiders and then control the group through Remote, as you always can with Reason :) It works by constantly sampling the audio source and maintaining the loop as soon as its triggered. "Wait ?!? Live audio input with Reason ???" :P Well, you can use Reason with live input right now, through ASIO4ALL's ReWuschel (Windows only) or... you can wait for Record :D Anyway, I may come up with other uses for it, in a more traditional sequenced Reason song, which I'm sure will be the main scenario where the device must prove its u...

FAQ: Will ReGRAINZeR be released as freeware ?

Well, I have this guideline I try to more or less stick with: If it's something I did mainly with, for or through freeware, its my duty (and I'm glad) to give it back to the community for free. I guess this is the best way to thank the ones before me that made something for free that I could use, and keep the thing rolling :) If I had to buy or pay for something, then I try to jump in the bandwagon and give a run of my dedicated time and effort for the money, as the ones before me also did. I try to make available for free, things that may help to make a point, prove a concept or help fellow Reason users / forum members to understand something, some concepts or some cool ideas that I have no time to develop, planting the seed for someone to take it and further develop it. Things like these pre-Reason4 oldies: So, to answer your question: I'm planning to release ReGRAINZeR (along with other devices I'm still trying to develop) in a future ReFill, sold (hopefully) through...


While browsing the "Feature Suggestions" forum, I saw descathach 's "ReLive" post and decided to explore what could be done about it. So, I'm now playing with REXTrigga (formerly named, incorrectly, as LoopTrigga) a 14 Dr.REX Combinator device, each with it's loop triggering through C2 to C#3. I stopped at 14 loops simply based on using up all 14 channels of a reMIX 14:2 and for what I was trying to do, 14 is more than enough, though its very easy to add more :) Now, to find a place to put this thing for easy downloading... Ah, I guess this one will work. BTW, this is a perfect example of why I kept asking for a Transpose setting for the Combinator :) Related Forum posts: ReLive Combinator needs Transpose for each Key Mapping range!!!

Planned ReGRAINZeR V.1.0 "models"

As anyone would expect, a real-time grain/loop device relies heavily on the only available on-the-fly sample'n'loop devices Reason provides us (at least up to Reason 4): the echo devices :) this case, the versatile DDL-1 Digital Delay Line device. So, a full stereo ReGRAINZeR with multiple readily available key triggable loops of real-time audio source sampling, can be an overkill if many instances are needed in a song... at least in theory, because I still haven't done any heavy duty tests on complex songs with multiple instances of the device. As you can see in the demo videos ( try watching the 16:9 HD version of demo 2 ), the DSP meter at the bottom left corner shows what happens CPU wise in that song, with one instance of the device running on a Core 2 Duo laptop. I'm still not sure about memory consumption, so I need to run some test for that. Anyway, even if the current full-featured model of ReGRAINZeR proves to be as light as a feather to CPU+RAM resourc...

Koshdukai's KFX Machines: ReGRAINZeR demo videos released!

2nd demo video: (best viewed in a larger version ) 1st demo video: Related Forum post: Something I'm currently working on: ReGRAINZeR

Koshdukai's KFX Machines: ReGRAINZeR V.0.2beta

Finished uploading the 2nd video showing ReGRAINZeR V.0.2beta (still named ReLOOPeR in the video). Still no word from Turbotito :( ... it would help if I had his email contact instead of relying on PropSW Forum's and YouTube's PrvMsgs :/ I'm tempted to just release the videos and simply obey to any take down notice I might receive afterwards, although that's so not the way I like to do things -.-' ...but, it's a demo song included with every Reason 4 sold, so I guess it would be ok to use it as an example to demo a Reason device, wouldn't it ? Anyway, while waiting, I made some changes to what the F1# to A1# black keys do. Now they have 2 modes as a group: 1/8T loop mode or free wild'n'weird glitch-like mode, since most of the action they did is now made with A1 and B1 white keys. This also freed Combinator's Button 4, maybe I'll use it now to turn off the option of Aftertouch gate effect triggering. So, now, the current version is ReGRAINZeR...

once ReLOOPeR, now ReGRAINZeR

Shot some more videos, with another screen setup, now taking advantage of YouTube's 16:9 HD support, while now trying a firewire digital camera to shoot the actual MIDI keyboard controller being used as I did with the 1st video... but there's still some video latency :( ...guess it's because I had to turn the video graphics acceleration off so the desktop capture software can pick it up. Ah well... I'll choose one of the videos and upload it anyway :) I found something already named Relooper through Google, so I'm renaming the device ReGRAINZeR (naming's getting better'n'better, uh? right... -.-') I still tried using ReGRAINeR but Google found something like that too, some film effect thing. So, after this, I made some changes to (the now named) ReGRAINZeR device. Previously (up to V.0.2beta) I was using all the keys, from C1 to C2 (transposeable), but then I thought of ways to use several instances of the ReGRAINZeR, each mapped to its own octave,...

Turbotito - Sydney Heat

While uploading the 1st (crappy) video to YouTube it just dawned on me "wait a minute! I just realized I'm using a music that's not mine, to demo the device... oh damn..." So, I had two options: scrap the video, try to compose a really cool tune to demo the device, redo the video. try to contact the song's author, asking if I can use it in my demo. The 1st would be safer but slower (I thought, 'cause I had to come up with a cool enough tune). Also, it would defeat the purpose of demoing the device with a known song, so people watching would recognize what the device was doing to the song. 2nd option could be faster and simpler while accomplishing what I wanted, as I said above. Well, I opted to set the uploaded video to private, and send a private message to the author and... wait :| ...and wait... :|

Custom GrainTables ?

Just tried using a NN-19 loaded with a plain wave, with a Matrix controlling the note length, and the curve automating the Sample Start + Manual knob... eh, cool effect :D I'm going to try the same with a REX loaded on a NN-XT to see what can be done. More on this (much) later... :) Related Forum post: I would expect to see such an OSC available as an option

Making some ReLOOPeR videos...

I've been searching the web for some free desktop video capturing software, so I can make some videos showing ReLOOPeR in action (and future devices, tutorials and stuff). Found some, testing a couple, let's see if I can make it work :) Related Forum post: LOL! I know... I don't mind...

Koshdukai's KFX Machines: ReLOOPeR V.0.1beta

Ok, so everything went well and now I'm the proud user of a Virus TI Atomizer (yeah right!) pseudo-emulator, done with and for Reason 4 :D I'm going to play with it for a couple of days to see what more can I add to it, and after that, post a couple of demo videos, showing the thing working and what it can do :) What it can't do (when compared to what I've seen in some Atomizer video demos) is: It can't reverse playback the loops... still couldn't think of a way to do this in real-time with Reason 4, so for now, I'm considering it er... impossible :( It won't be possible to perfectly note-pitch-shift the real-time loops :/ ...although I'm still thinking of a way to simulate this effect with the shorter/higher rate loops, getting a note scaled pseudo-pitch-shifting effect. I already did some tests and it's kinda possible to do an almost note-scaled pitch, but still not perfect, and it's late and I'm tired -.-' At this time, ReLOOPeR a...

Reason 4 ARRIVED!!!

My "Reason Premium Edition Bundle" arrived today, YAY!!! :D Just in time to make something I've been experimenting with the R4 Demo for a while. A "Virus TI Atomizer" emulator! If all goes well (and I can put my theories in practice), I'll post a demo video soon to see if anyone's interested in such a device :) Can't wait to get home, install Reason 4 and start playing with it! Related Forum post: Status: Delivered!